Yumeiro Yuram

Yumeiro Yuram, a puzzle game from Nippon Ichi Software

Yumeiro Yuram is a puzzle game developed and published in 2023 by Nippon Ichi Software.

The gameplay can be seen as a mix between Tetris and Puyo Puyo : the player has to place a couple of falling blocks in order to create pieces, called “yumegumo” but looking similar to Tetris’ 5 tetrominos, of the same colour; when all the pieces form a line or more than the line they don’t disappear like in most of the puzzle games but can be used to create combos : Connect (same shape or colour), All (combination of all 5 shapes or colours), Straight (horizontal or vertical straight line of the same colour), Square (create a large square shape) and Spread (fill half or the entire board without gaps).

Image partially translated by the author

These combos give more points based on the difficulty (Connect is more easy than Spread) and when the player skip the next falling couple of blocks the score decreases, so it’s important to use a good strategy to avoid skipping too many falling blocks.
There are 10 different characters available, each one with their own feature (the main character Yuna, for example, has more chances to get blocks of the same colour).

Yumeiro Yuram supports not only local and online multi-player matches but also crossplatform so players with different systems can play together.
The game is going to be released phisically only in Japan for PlayStation 4 while the Switch version is completely a Japanese exclusive.
The release date is set for 26 October 2023.

Watch the trailer below :

Source : official site

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