Varyznex, a Japanese indie shmup, will be released soon

PC Varyznex

Varyznex is a horizontal shoot’em up actually in development by Japanese indie programmer Zakichi.

It’s side-scrolling shooting game where the player controls an aircraft armed with a couple of pods called BIT that can change the attack direction, forward, backward and vertical.
By defeating an enemy, an energy item is released and can be drawn to the aircraft when the player releases the attack button: the faster the energy items are acquired after they appear the more points and energy is gained.

When the energy gauge is filled up the Hyper shoot can be used: during Hyper, instead of the energy shield being turned off, the aircraft’s BIT will be able to block pink bullets shot from enemies; the first Hyper stage will let the aircraft to attack with a huge beam laser and the enemy’s points will be doubled; if the player collects the enemy’s energy in this state, the second Hyper stage will be triggered.
The second stage can be activated with more than half the energy, the duration changes depending on the amount of accumulated energy, an attack with guided bullets is added, and the score is quadrupled.

Varyznex includes 5 different stages, each one with the classic boss battle at the end, and 2 different difficulty level.

As said, the game is going to be released soon on Steam (no console ports are planned at the moment) and a demo has been released on Steam so players can try the game until the boss battle at stage 3:

Otherwise you can watch the demo gameplay here:

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