TriggerHeart Exelica Enhanced announced
Yesterday Cosmo Machia have officially announced TriggerHeart Exelica Enhanced for Switch.
As the name suggests, this is an enhanced version of the original game released in 2006 for arcades and a year later ported to Dreamcast.
This version introduces a new playable characters, Faintear, while the original 3 characters, according to Cosmo Machia, will be rebalanced; other new features have been mentioned, but the company didn’t give any further detail.
Probably more info will be released during the upcoming Tokyo Game Show 2024 where TriggerHeart Exelica Enhanced will be not only presented but will be also playable.
It’s quite surprising that this new version will be published considering that a porting for Switch has been already released in December 2023 so a single release with an “Enhanced Mode” would have been a better solution especially for fans of the series, but Cosmo Machia is not new in doing this kind of choice considering that they are releasing an international version of Shikigami no Shiro II in October after the original release for Switch in April 2023.
Actually the release data is a generic “early 2025” and there are good chances that it will be revealed during the TGS 2024.
Watch the TGS 2024 trailer below: