Shikhondo confirmed physical for Switch

Shikhondo: Youkai Rampage

Shikhondo: Youkai Rampage is a vertical shoot’em up developed by Korean team Deer Farm.

Originally published in digital form in April 2024 for PC and Switch, it was supposed to come in physical form as suggested in this news.

Today CFK, who already published the digital version of the game, have announced that Shikhondo: Youkai Rampage will be published in Japan for Switch in both normal and limited editions.

The vertical shoot’em up set in an Eastern Asia background and based on mythical creatures from Korean folk legends will be published on 29 May 2025.

SWI Shikhondo: Youkai Rampage limited
The limited edition

The Limited edition includes an art book, the original soundtrack on CD and a diorama acrylic stand.
The game is also playable in English language and both versions will include a promo cd for Shikhondo 2.

Watch the promotional video here:

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