Rainbow Cotton release postponed or cancelled?
Rainbow Cotton is the HD remake of the original game released in 2000 on Dreamcast.
This remake is published by ININ Games and was announced in September 2023 with a physical release (including a Limited Edition) originally planned for 18 April 2024 for Switch and PlayStation 5; besides the updated graphics which includes particle effects and ambient occlusion, the game includes enhanced controls and support for the English language, including the animated cutscenes.
From last week in all electronic stores around the country suddenly the game became listed as TBA (To Be Announced) while some other shops have even closed the preo-orders like the game was cancelled.
No communication has given by the publishers, and even of the official page of the game there is no mention about the situation.
The lack of official communications regarding the postponement is strange, in these situations usually a new date is immediately provided or at least the generic reasons that led to the change in the release date but the closure of pre-orders in some stores raises fears that the game has been cancelled.
At the moment all that remains is to wait for official press releases from ININ Games.
Watch the trailer below: