Psychic 5 Eternal announced for Switch
Today a new game has been listed in many electronic stores in Japan after the opening of the official site : Psychic 5 Eternal, which will be published by City Connection.
The original game was released for arcades in 1987 by Jaleco and it’s a multi-scrolling platform game starring 4 different characters, the player can switch them by entering phone cabins through the stages and use their own abilities to advance in the game.
The package includes both the original version and the remake which allows to show the complete map by switching the screen to 16:9 format, includes refined graphics and background music and after beating the game new stages and characters will be available.
Besides the original Arcade Mode there are Survival, Time Attack and Multiplayer.
Psychic 5 Eternal will be released exclusively in Japan on 27 July in normal and limited editions.
The “Espers Edition” will include an original cardboard box, the original soundtrack on CD, a special book, a magnet sheet and a 30cm folding ruler.

Source : Official site