In the latest days City Connection has provided with some new information regarding the remake of Jaleco’s Formation Z, a horizontal shoot’em up released for arcades in 1984 and known in the West as Aeroboto.
The main feature of Formation Z is the ability of the spacecraft to change its form into a humanoid robots, something similar to the Macross series.
The remake includes high definition graphics and update soundtrack and was announced in October 2022, developed by Granzella, a former Irem staff team and known for Disaster Report and R-Type Final series.

Formation Z was planned for a PlayStation 4 release, but now City Connection has announced that the PS4 version has be canceled and it will be released for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series in 2024, while the mysterious statement “additional platforms will be determined in future” could be intended as a support for the recently anticipated and highly rumored Switch 2 (tentative name) ?
City Connection has also released a new trailer for the upcoming Tokyo Game Show 2023 and announced that the game will be playable at the event.
Watch the “TGS 2023 trailer” below :
Source : Gamingdeputy Japan