Earthion, a new shoot’em up for Megadrive

Earthion is a brand new shoot’em up game in development at Ancient with the collaboration of Yuzo Koshiro (music composer of Y’s, Actraiser, Street of Rage and Etrian Odyssey series) as previously announced in September 2023.

The game is an horizontal shoot’em up with a gameplay based on classic games from the 80’s and 90’s and tries to take the best from the Megadrive hardware not only for graphics effects but also for the sound effect, in fact Yuzo Koshiro stated that he’s using the Yamaha YM2612, a six channel sound chip that was built into Megadrive, to recreate the typical sound of the 16 bit console made by SEGA.

Earthion is planned to be released in 2024, Superdeluxe Games has already announced a package version not only for Megadrive but also for current systems.
The video shows the numerous graphic special effects used such as the rotating Earth globe in the Start screen, the numerous parallax effects reminiscent of classics such as Thunderforce IV and the large number of sprites on the screen which do not affect the speed of the game

Watch the preview trailer below:

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