According to electronic stores Yodobashi and Bic Camera, both episodes of Bloodstained : Circle of the Moon will be released retail.
Originally released in digital form in 2018 and 2020, Curse of the Moon is a prelude of the events seen in Bloodstained Ritual of the Night and offers an 8-bit graphics and gameplay and it was developed as a tribute of Castlevania III.
The story is centered on Zangetsu, a cursed swordsman who is hunting down demons for revenge and through the game other 3 characters can be added while Curse of the Moon 2 expands features other 3 additional characters.

Boodstained : Curse of the Moon Chronicles, this is the complete title, will be released for both Switch and PS4 on 13 July, a Limited Edition is also planned and includes an art book, the original soundtrack on 2 CD’s and an acrylic keychain.