Yesterday, 12 November, Sakuna of Rice and Ruin developers “Naru” and “Koichi” released comments and illustrations on Twitter for commemorating the 3rd anniversary of the game.
Sakuna of Rice and Ruin was published in 2020 for Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC and achieved an unexpected success also considering that the development team, Edelweiss, was made up of just a few people.
In Japan the game became very popular due to the deep rice cultivation gameplay that allows the player to raising, planting, growing and harvesting fine rice in order to progress in the game : during the peak of its popularity, the sites of the Ministry of Agriculture, Foresty and Fisheries became a sort of wikipedia where players could get information about how to grow rice following ancient Japanese methods.
Last year when commemorating the 2nd anniversary, “Naru” wrote on Twitter “Sakuna is still planned to contine and even if at the moment the development for a sequel has not started yet, there are many stories in progress and I’m looking forward to the day we can announce it“.
This year, during the 3rd anniversary he stated “I would like to thanks all the player that are still supporting our game even after 3 years since its release. Looks like we’ll finally be able to make an announcement“.
Source : Game Spark